Virtual Pregame Party Navy/AF


Mark your calendars for our first virtual (MEMBERS ONLY) chapter gathering! It’s time to have a pregame party for the Navy vs. Air Force game. Here are the details:

When: Friday, October 2, 5-7pm

Where: Zoom (Dial-in details to follow)

What: Wear your Navy gear, BYOB, and be ready for some games and “breakout room” socializing!

It’s not too late to join the chapter! Join HERE for just $25 for 6 years! 

Chapter Calendar

Want to stay in the loop on your chapter events? Subscribe to the chapter google calendar on the calendar tab:

Just click the small + sign in the bottom right corner to add the events to your personal calendar.

Your Chapter Has An Instagram Account

Follow @usnaaa_sfbaychapter and spread the word. THIS WILL NOT REPLACE EMAIL but is an amplifier.

Board Update (Membership still open!)

We had a great turn out at our last board meeting and I am happy to announce that Gordon McDonald ‘06 has assumed the position as our chapter Vice President! 

Gordon and his family live in the North Bay and I look forward to his support of your chapter. Watch out as he is on a mission to boost our membership! Join today!

Special BZ and thank you to Natalie Bettinelli ‘11 for helping to increase communication and launching the IG account.

Thank you to Nick Bruno ‘95 and Bobby Nefzgar ‘11 joining our board along with long time board members Secretary Cherine Griffin ‘02 and Treasurer Mark Lundstrom ‘86.

Our board meetings will occur monthly on the first Tuesday of the month from 5-6pm. If you are interested in being a part of the board or just listening in (ALL ARE WELCOME!) please join us. Detail can be found on the chapter calendar at

Please let me know if you have any questions. I am always here for you.

Your president,

~Lauren “Baker” Cosgrave ‘04 GO NAVY!

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